Creating the future from the integration of
Mineral Resource × Smelting and Refining × Materials

Mineral Resource business, where we undertake mine development and operation in consideration of the environment and society. Smelting and refining business, where we create high-quality metal materials from extracted mineral ore.And Materials business, where we add to these materials the new value that the times demand.The collaboration between these three business areas forms a business model that is globally unique, and enables us to provide materials to shape the future.

An original business model based on three-businesses collaboration

The foundations and future of Sumitomo Metal Mining
Going forward together with the planet, society, and people

At Sumitomo Metal Mining, our corporate philosophy incorporates sustainable co-existence with the global environment and respect for all individuals, and with the goal of achieving our long-term vision of becoming the world leader in the non-ferrous metals industry, we aim to maximize our corporate value by contributing to the resolution of social issues and the realization of a sustainable society.

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