
Sustainability Report

The Sumitomo Metal Mining Group Sustainability Report 2023 aims to report on our Group’s basic approach to the achievement of a sustainable society, our promotion structure and KPIs for achieving Vision for 2030 with respect to material issues, the results of our activities in FY2022, and our future plans. The Sustainability Report has been published in PDF format since FY2023.
Through this report, we seek to enhance understanding of our Group’s sustainability activities, to invite wide-ranging comments from stakeholders, and to enhance our activities and information disclosure in the future.

Sustainability Report 2023

Individual Versions

By Section Introduction (PDF: 4.5MB)

  • Editorial Policy
  • The Sumitomo æÃæÃÖÐÎÄÊÓƵÔÚÏß Spirit and the SMM Group Corporate Philosophy
  • Long-Term Vision
  • Sustainability at the SMM
  • Sustainability Issues in the Value Chain
  • SMM Group Overview
  • SMM Group æÃæÃÖÐÎÄÊÓƵÔÚÏß Model
  • Our History

Sustainability Management (PDF: 1.2MB)

  • Message from the President
  • Sustainability Management at the SMM
  • Positioning of Vision for 2030
  • Vision for 2030 - Formulation Approach
  • Vision for 2030, Material Issues, KPIs (Indicators and Goals)

Environment (PDF: 1.6MB)

  • Effective Use of Non-Ferrous Metal Resources
  • Environmental Management
  • Climate Change
  • Significant Environmental Accidents / Biodiversity
  • Environmental Data

Social (PDF: 1.5MB)

  • æÃæÃÖÐÎÄÊÓƵÔÚÏß and Human Rights
  • Employees’ Occupational Health and Safety
  • Diverse Human Resources / Development and Participation of Human Resources
  • Co-Existence and Mutual Prosperity with Local Communities
  • Rights of Indigenous Peoples
  • Human Rights in the Supply Chain
  • Engagement with Stakeholders
  • Research & Development
  • Intellectual Property
  • Social Data

Governance (PDF: 1.1MB)

  • Corporate Governance
  • Compliance
  • Tax Governance
  • Risk Management
  • Quality Assurance
  • Information Security

References (PDF: 1.9MB)

Integrated Report

Our group has been issued the Integrated Report since 2016.
Please refer to Manual Report/CSR Report for the report before FY2015.